Cyber Victoria Schools Challenge Teacher Resources
Teachers participating in the Cyber Victoria Schools Challenge may wish to link student learning activities with the Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies, ICT General Capabilities and the Victorian senior Computing courses.
In addition teachers who choose to extend their knowledge and skills by undertaking the Cyber Teacher CompTIA Fundamentals of Cyber Course will build confidence in teaching Cyber, understand more fully the Digital Technologies curriculum and be better prepared for teaching Computing courses.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Digital Technologies
Victorian Curriculum Digital Technologies comprises of three related strands: Digital Systems, Data and Information, and Creating Digital Solutions. There are many instances where students will utilise skills learnt with Digital Technologies curriculum and within the Cyber Security Experience.
- Rationale and Aims - The Digital Technologies curriculum enables students to become confident and creative developers of digital solutions through the application of information systems and specific ways of thinking about problem solving.
- Structure - Digital Technologies comprises of three related strands: Digital Systems, Data and Information, and Creating Digital Solutions.
- Learning in Digital Technologies - Key concepts of integration between learning strands, student safety, and connections with other curriculum areas.
- Scope and Sequence - The curriculum sets out what students are expected to learn and is designed as a continuum of learning.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Introduction to the curriculum - Computational thinking is at the core of this curriculum. It is a way of analysing problems and precisely and logically designing solutions that can be understood and carried out through the use of programming languages. Design and systems thinking also contribute to the problem-solving approach in this curriculum
VCAA Teacher resources
Introducing Digital Technologies (PowerPoint) - The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Victorian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards.
Victorian Curriculum Digital Technologies Glossary
35 key words and concepts to be understood in progressing through the Digital Technologies curriculum (Word Doc)Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority VCE Computing
The Victorian Study Design Computing comprises of student activities and assessment tasks that can be pursued in the Victorian Cyber Schools Challenge, particularly of note the study of data integrity and security in Unit 4 Informatics. Other elements of computer systems and software development are also highly relevant.
Victorian Curriculum Statements Year 7 – 10
Level 7 - 8
- Digital Systems - Investigate how data are transmitted and secured in wired, wireless and mobile networks (VCDTDS035)
- Data and Information - Manage, create and communicate interactive ideas, information and projects collaboratively online, taking safety and social contexts into account (VCDTDI039)
- Digital Solutions - Evaluate how well student-developed solutions and existing information systems meet needs, are innovative and take account of future risks and sustainability (VCDTDI044)
Level 9 - 10
- Digital Systems - Investigate the role of hardware and software in managing, controlling and securing the movement of and access to data in networked digital systems (VCDTDS045)
- >Data and Information - Develop techniques for acquiring, storing and validating quantitative and qualitative data from a range of sources, considering privacy and security requirements (VCDTDI047)
- Creating Digital Solutions - Evaluate critically how well student-developed solutions and existing information systems and policies take account of future risks and sustainability and provide opportunities for innovation (VCDTDI054)